Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tanzania 2010 updat from the clinic

Plans are well underway! We have raised funds to:
  1. cover my travel to and in Tanzania
  2. build the cistern in Tura
  3. purchase nearly 400 nets!
Keep praying as hearts are moved and funds roll in! Here is the latest update from the clinic (don't mind the spelling as Ruth has a broken keyboard)
Reg Mwakashindye : don't worry about spelling: I spell it wrong all the time.... Reg cistern or well: they are having a lot of input from government suddenly and been give 'a lot of money' (!!!) to build a zahanati , water, etc. o We think they are trying to phase us out maybe, but there are so many places to go that are waiting for us that we are quite grateful.
We are hoping to build a small 'familia moja community'  on th farm for socially, or 'medicALLY' OUTCAST /needy PEOPLE. We are hoping to build two first houses this summer and we have  no clean water there. So maybe building a rainwater cistern there would be something that people want to support?
God bless you wherever you are. Love from here
So we wi


Fawnie said...

Thanks for the update. Do you have specific goals we can pray for/give to?

Rev. Bryan Bywater said...

Yes Lynn, the simple goal is to reach the funds to purchase 800 nets with a total cost of $4,400.