Saturday, June 28, 2008

bring on the revolution...

I reconnected with this man of God in know in PA the other day. He kinda blows my mind actually. I've never really hung out with this guy before, but I know his dad and his brother. The only thing I really know about him is that when you meet him you really get the sense that he genuinely is welcoming you in the name and love of Jesus. No joke...
So he does his thing in life, as far as I can tell, living out the life of a person who is convicted of the reality and truth that Jesus is the real deal and the day is coming when he's going to be bright and glorious, surrounded by a throng of people who have been given seats of honor at the feasting table with the King of Kings....
His reply to my email the other day was simple, but it made me smile ear to ear and run and tell the tale to my wife. Seems that this man of of God gave a homeless guy some cash last week and he bumped into him a few days later. The homeless guy (if I knew his name I would tell you, at least Jesus knows it) was doing great because he was able to buy colostomy bags. It kind of struck me as the compassion that Jesus had at the wedding banquet in Canna...
No, this man of God didn't turn water into wine foreshadowing his shed blood and gift of a new and perfect sacrifice...he gave the guy what he had to give, some cash, and the dude turned it into what he needed at that and dignity...
Scripture doesn't record that the wine steward followed Jesus later....and I'm not saying this homeless guy is a follower of Christ either...all I can say is a man of God heard the heart of Jesus break for a person He created and opened his wallet...I hope I get a set by this guy at the feast...I'm gonna give him my dessert.
Let justice roll friends...may His name be heard

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