...so we launched off into week two with a couple of new faces; one that i've known for twelve years and another who's interest was peaked while waiting for his drink at the espresso bar...
So there we were, ten of us last night, and out of that ten nine had a personal "Great Sadness" story. I'm never surprised when i see this, in fact i'm more bothered when it doesn't happen. I mean, Jesus came for the sick, right? So if you're really living on the edges where Jesus seems to be most often you'll be in the same company.
Oh, i'm not saying we're all walking around like major headcases, just that some people understand the deal a bit deeper than others simply because they fell a bit deeper than others...that's all.
Grief was the topic, deep grief that hangs on your soul like a soaking wet t-shirt that makes that hollow sucking sound when you pull it off your body...it clings to your back so you can't pull it off, and when you finally do pry it over your head it hits the floor with a thump. Left unattended it grows into a smelly pile of funk...you have to deal with it...
Great Sadness grief isnt' a "get-over-it-kind-of-thing" is it? It makes you do a gut check; who is with me, why did this happen, where am i? Too often well-meaning folks come along side you and tell you the old familiar lies; "i know how you feel, it will be ok, it was for the better"...
but there is good in the dark in that our eyes automatically search for the light. There just has to be something besides this. We weren't made for the dark places, we were made for the glorious light...we just got lost. So as we fumble in the dark we hit walls and other people...and we're called to help others out of the shadows...
When the Great Sadness's descend, we need to hang together, just like God hangs with us. He promised to never leave us or forsake us even thought at times it seems as if He did...
that's when we need to turn to each other and simply say by our actions "i'm staying with you..i'm not going. I i'll be here beside you and wait."
wait for what? wait until we cry "uncle"...and let the light flood in
so what is your Great Sadness? How did God respond? Are you still waiting and trying to fix it yourself?
1 comment:
Awesome post Bryan.
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