We've got a table in the back of our church where we're learning how to receive and reflect the Mercy and Providence of God. When you receive a gift or purchase a new item, you're asked to bring the one that was replaced into church (if it's in good shape). You place the item you're offering(donating) on the table and pray "Lord, thank you for the new (whatever) I pray that you be with those who have no (whatevers) and remind me that all (whatevers) come from you. Amen...
In this simple act, we acknoldwge that all we have is a gift from God, the Author and Creator of everything in the world...we humble ourselves before the giver of Life...and offer what little we can. We remember that all gifts have their source in Him. With a heart properly oriented, we then can reflect the love and light of Jesus into some pretty dark places...I have a rather wide network of organizations where I bring the offerings...teenage mothers, divorced folks, just off the streets, single mom's doing their best...and man does Hope shine bright when you just show up with the merciful full hands of God.
shine my friends, press deep and shine
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